How To Save Energy Cost When Using A Fridge
February 9, 2024

Most people don’t realize how much energy their fridge uses. In fact, the average fridge can use up to two-thirds of a home’s total daily energy consumption. But there are ways to save energy and money on your fridge usage. Follow these tips to help reduce your energy costs.

How Does a Fridge Work?

A fridge works by using a coolant to remove heat from the air inside the fridge. This coolant is then circulated through a series of coils or plates, which transfer the heat to the outside air. The cooled air is then returned to the fridge, where it circulates until it reaches the desired temperature.

To keep your energy costs down when using a fridge, make sure to set the thermostat to the correct temperature and keep the door closed as much as possible. You can also try unplugging your fridge for short periods of time (such as when you know you won’t be using it for a few hours) to help save on your energy bill.

Tips to Save Energy Costs

1. Keep your fridge at the correct temperature – between 3°C and 5°C for the main compartment and 0°C for the freezer.

2. Make sure that the door seals are airtight and that there is no build-up of ice inside the freezer.

3. Defrost your fridge regularly to prevent ice buildup and maintain efficiency.

4. Place your fridge in a cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight.

5. Keep the coils clean – dust and dirt can build up on the coils and reduce efficiency. Clean them with a brush or vacuum attachment every few months.

How to Choose an Energy-Efficient Fridge

When looking for an energy-efficient fridge, always check the yellow EnergyGuide label. This label provides an estimate of how much electricity the fridge uses. You can also find this information online.

Choose a fridge with a good energy rating. The higher the rating, the more energy-efficient the appliance is.

Look for fridges that have been certified by Energy Star. These appliances meet strict efficiency standards set by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy.

Consider buying a smaller fridge. A mini fridge uses less energy than a full-size model.

Think about where you will place your new fridge. If it will be in a warm spot, like next to the stove, choose a model with an efficient compressor that can handle high temperatures.


There are many ways to save energy costs when using a fridge, from turning it off when you’re not using it to making sure the door is properly sealed. By following these tips, you can keep your energy bills low and help the environment at the same time.